Tag Archive: mi-35

Kecskemet 2013, Part VI

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Mil Mi-35 ‘Hind-E’


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MAKS 2009, pt.1

MAKS – Moscow Aeronautical Cosmonautical Salon – is a biannual event held at Zhukovksy Air Base, just outside Moscow. Although by intent being similar to Farnborough or Le Bourget Salons, MAKS is different by offering the visitor an insight view of mainly the future of Russian aircraft development along with a flying display of most of the current and future aircraft and helicopters, along with some foreign guests. This year, they were Italian aerobatical group Frecce Tricolori, French group Patrouille France and French demo display Rafale.

The pictures show some of the Wednesdays flying display. I will be adding Thursdays display pics in the near future.

For more pics from Wednesday, click on the photo below